Schedule Your Complimentary "New Beginning" Call with Heidi

Grief Recovery Coach

Feeling stuck and overwhelmed from a recent loss? You are not alone. Let me help you find your way through.

Reach out today for compassionate support and guidance. Let’s navigate this difficult time together.

  • One-to-one Coaching
  • Transformative Writing Workshops
  • Group Retreats
  • Online Grief Course
  • Guest Speaker

Heidi Gessner

Author | Coach | Keynote Speaker

I am regularly featured and can be seen on …

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I am looking forward to speaking with you and helping you feel better.
Heidi's E-Book

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Heidi at Work

Hi, I’m Heidi.

I’m here to help you restart your life after a loss and guide you through this challenging journey.

For nearly 20 years, I have supported people spiritually and emotionally as an end-of-life chaplain. I developed the University of North Carolina Hospitals Adult Bereavement Support Services, a program that promotes healthy grieving with educational resources, support groups, and ongoing communication for a year after losing a loved one.

Now, as a spiritual counselor and coach, I support people around the world dealing with grief and loss. My goal is to help you connect with the life-changing power of grief so you can live intentionally and purposefully. I understand the importance of providing a safe, nurturing, and confidential space where you can process your loss and find your way forward at your own pace. Together, we can transform your journey and find new meaning and purpose. Let’s take this step together.


Cindy, a Grief Group and Pockets of Grace Writing Circle participant

“Heidi Gessner was leading a recovery group for recently bereaved people, and I was lucky enough to be included. Her sensitivity, calm demeanor, and years of experience made for wonderful sessions …”


Pat, a Grief Group participant

Heidi is kind, experienced, and very knowledgeable. I learned so much in the grief group and it helped normalize my multitude of feelings. Also, her book, Pockets of Grace, helped me so much …”

Don’t let these 6 common roadblocks stop you from finding peace after a significant loss:


Denial and Avoidance

Finding it hard to face reality, staying stuck in the past, and avoiding new things or stepping out of your comfort zone.


Guilt and Regret

Feeling responsible or having unresolved regrets, whether they make sense or not. This might include thinking about what you could have done differently or feeling guilty about moving forward.

Anger and Resentment

Feeling angry at yourself or blaming others for the situation. Thinking, “This is not okay!” and seeing things as you want them, not as they are.

Isolation and Loneliness

Feeling disconnected from others, invisible in public, and withdrawing from social support. As writer C.S. Lewis said, “Nobody told me grief felt so much like fear.”


Pressure to "Get Over It"

Feeling pressured by society or yourself to move on quickly. Grief doesn’t have a set timeline, and rushing can stop you from fully processing your emotions. Grief is a natural response to all kinds of heartbreak.

Physical and Mental Health Issues

Grief can affect both your body and mind, leading to problems like depression, anxiety, fatigue, and other health issues.

How Do You Know It’s Time to Work with a Coach?

  • Do you feel stuck and uninspired, and want to feel good again?
  • Are you exhausted and unsure of how to find your way?
  • Do you feel lost from the impact of multiple losses in a short time?
  • Do you think, “This can’t be happening” and wonder how life turned out this way?
  • Are you longing for a better life but feeling empty and depleted?
  • Do you feel invisible when you’re out in public?
  • Are you shaky and feeling uncharacteristically vulnerable, like something’s wrong with you?
  • Do you choose safety over risk, avoiding stepping out of your comfort zone?
  • Are you overwhelmed with anxiety and fear about the future?
  • Do you need a listening ear and support to get out of the rut and grief you feel?
Sad man and woman looking out over the lake.

If you resonate with any of these, it might be time to work with a coach.

“Life begins on the other side of despair.” ~ Jean Paul Sartre

Choosing Coaching with Heidi

Heidi will be with you every step of the way!

Private + Group Coaching Services:

As your coach, Heidi will help you navigate life’s challenges with compassionate support. She’ll gently guide and motivate you to explore and release intense emotions, adapt, and learn more about yourself. You’ll discover new, life-giving pathways in the safe and sacred space she creates.

Taking the Journey Together:

With Heidi by your side, you’ll experience profound growth by forming connections with others, exploring unresolved emotions, and discovering meaningful rituals to keep you balanced. Heidi facilitates deep sessions where you’ll experience breakthroughs in your creative process. You’ll expand your understanding of imagination, creativity, and expression. You’ll emerge clearer, more connected to your purpose, and full of confidence. Your soul’s expression will ignite!

Ongoing Positive Results:

By collaborating with Heidi, you’ll transform your loss and build resilience. You’ll make daily progress toward positivity, motivation, and routines, creating a fulfilling and intentional life.

“I feel such gratitude for Heidi, a gentle companion on my journey through a season of tremendous grief. Recently, I found myself lost in the cumulative effects of multiple deaths of loved ones in a short period of time. With tenderness and compassion, Heidi has helped me begin to find my way back to ease, to joy, to life – back Home to My True Self.”

 – Dottie, Coaching client

Understand The 3 Myths and Truths About Grief

Change is hard and grief is something nobody wants to go through. Knowing what’s true and what’s not, can help you feel more normal about what you’re experiencing. In this list, you’ll find 3 common myths about grief and 3 real truths that can actually help you.

Three Big Myths

Recognizing and debunking these myths can make it easier to engage with grief in a compassionate and effective way.

“Time Heals All Wounds”

Myth:  Grief has a set timeline and simply waiting will eventually make the pain of grief go away.

The Reality:  There’s no “normal” timeline. While time can help reduce the intensity of grief, it doesn’t automatically heal all wounds. Grieving is a growth process and means actively working through emotions, finding ways to cope, and making meaning of your loss. Professional support, self-reflection, and learning healthy coping strategies can help you deal with a big loss. It’s not just about waiting for time to pass. As Carl Jung writes, “Go into your grief, for there your soul will grow.”

“Everyone Grieves the Same Way”

Myth: There is a standard way to grieve, and everyone should follow it.

The Reality: Grief is a highly individual experience, and there is no right or wrong way to grieve. If you’ve been told that you are too sad or not sad enough, take heart. Cultural, personal, and circumstantial factors all play a role. Some people may express their grief openly, while others may grieve more privately. Understanding and respecting individual differences in grieving styles is crucial for emotional support and recovery.

“Staying Busy Helps You Move On”

Myth: Keeping yourself constantly busy will help you avoid the pain and make it easier to move on.

The Reality:  Staying busy can temporarily distract you, but it doesn’t address the deep grief you feel. Society often teaches us to quickly escape painful feelings, but doing so can stop you from growing. It’s about finding a way to live with the loss, integrating the memories and impact of your loved one into your life in a new way, and allowing it to change you. It’s healthy and normal to continue to feel a connection to what you’ve lost.

Avoiding pain can delay healing and may cause unresolved emotions to come back later. It’s important to balance staying active in life with giving yourself time and space to process your feelings. As Nigerian author Chinua Achebe writes, “When suffering knocks on your door and you say there is no seat for him, he tells you not to worry because he has brought his own stool.”

Three Real Truths

These truths highlight the value of professional support when dealing with grief. Working with a coach or counselor can provide you with the tools, environment, and guidance that help integrate your grief into your life, so that you can move forward.

“Personalized Coping Strategies”

Truth:  A coach or counselor can give you personalized coping strategies that fit your unique situation and feelings.

Description: Grief is different for everyone, and what works for one person might not work for another. A professional can look at your specific needs and offer tailored advice, exercises, and therapeutic techniques to help you cope better. This personalized approach can normalize and greatly improve your ability to process and integrate your grief into your life.

“Safe Space for Expression”

Truth: Professional support gives you a non-judgmental, safe place to share your emotions and thoughts.

Description: Talking about loss can be hard with friends or family who might also be affected or may not know how to respond. A coach or counselor provides an unbiased, empathetic ear, letting you express your feelings openly and honestly. This safe environment can help you release emotions and work through complicated feelings like anger, guilt, and sadness.

“Path to New Beginnings”

Truth: Professionals can guide you through a step-by-step process toward self-discovery, acceptance, and growth.

Description:  Grief can feel overwhelming and chaotic. A coach or counselor can provide a helpful approach that includes finding meaning in daily life, identifying growth areas, changing how you see things, and tracking your progress. This structured support can help you regain a sense of control and direction, making your journey through grief feel more manageable and mindful, leading to a new path and acceptance.

These truths underscore the value of professional support in navigating the difficult path of grief. Engaging with a coach or counselor can provide you with the tools, environment, and guidance you need to heal and move forward.

Recovering from a devastating loss is incredibly tough, but you don’t have to face it alone.
Heidi Gessner, Grief Coach

Heidi believes it’s out of the painful times in our lives that we build character and resilience.

Heidi knows the importance of finding peace and meaning through life’s challenges. To do that, you need guidance and compassionate support. Overwhelming emotions and isolation can leave you feeling lost and lonely. Heidi believes grief isn’t just something to get through; it can also be a chance to wake up, grow and learn more about yourself, and live a meaningful life. Navigating grief alone is extremely difficult, which is why Heidi partners with individuals as their coach, helping them find hope and healing.

Here’s what’s involved:

  1. Schedule a free consultation.
  2. Get a personalized support plan.
  3. Join our supportive community inside the Pockets of Grace Writing Circle.

Sign up for your free consultation with Heidi today.

In the meantime, get Heidi’s free e-book, The 3 Secret, Life-Transforming Gifts of Grief, so you can stop feeling overwhelmed and instead find peace and healing.

Also, be sure to follow me ...