Start your journey of discovery
leading to a new beginning!

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What is Indigo Flow:
Path to a New Beginning?

Grief can be incredibly isolating and riding the rollercoaster of intense emotions is normal. But looking to the external world for answers can leave you feeling empty, alone, and stuck in your grief. After nearly two decades as an end-of-life hospital chaplain, supporting people as they journeyed through their darkest hours and life-altering loss, I’ve learned strategies and tools that are especially helpful for mourners during such an intense and surreal time.

Now, as a grief coach, I’m bringing those lessons to
Indigo Flow, to share with you!

In Indigo Flow, you’ll explore, integrate, and reconnect with your essence, amid your grief. And at no other time than a painful one, do you live out of the depths of who you are, rather than on a more superficial level. Loss strips away the little troubles that come with being human, leaving you more malleable and open to change. By connecting with deeper parts within you that often remain unexamined and untouched, you cultivate an intuitive understanding that awakens insight for your life’s journey.

I’m going to meet you in the indigo space and give you lots of tools for your toolbox, so that you can flow and engage with your grief.

Death has much to teach us about living. And you are not left alone in this life, but rather living in a universe that’s trying to speak to you and support you. Once you realize this, you listen to hear what it has to say. Inside Indigo Flow, you learn to tune into this magical way of being in the world.

And it’s your willingness to go beyond society’s opinions that enables you to slowly reconnect with your soul energy. That’s basically your goal in this life. And whenever you do it, you feel joy, you feel relief, and you feel freedom.

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
~Albert Einstein

Indigo Flow teaches new skills, and you’ll gain resilient tools through four Flows: Nature, Creative, Sacred, and Soul

Each flow has its own transcendent quality, and you’ll learn about and explore their unique offerings to empower and foster curiosity and spiritual awareness. Connecting with the mystical flow of life, as well as with resources and support, builds a unique, sustainable, spiritual practice that becomes your tiller in rough waters.

Nature Flow

The Nature Flow teaches you about the deeply personal aspect of our magical universe, and how you can tune into it through the natural world, and by aligning with the seasons.

Sacred Flow

In the Sacred Flow, you’ll discover how even during turbulent times, you are never truly alone. You’ll learn how the divine is woven into all you do; in ways you may not have imagined.

Creative Flow

“Go into the arts. I’m not kidding. The arts are not a way to make a living. They are a very human way of making life more bearable. Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow.” ~ Kurt Vonnegut

Soul Flow

In the Soul Flow, we’ll explore what the Celtic tradition calls soul-forgetfulness. Perhaps you’ve forgotten who you are and what you know – personally and collectively in the deepest part of yourself.

Indigo Flow invites you to look within, into an internal “indigo” space, versus the empty place in external world. You’ll awaken your inner-sight, or intuition, which is the bridge to a deeper part of yourself, that is full of creativity, core values, and wisdom. Connecting with this intelligence, this intuition, opens a new reality.

This is how you become the creator of your own life, your own experience, and you discover that you have a wealth of knowledge inside of you.

You’ll mindfully process and integrate your intense feelings of grief, through 4 Flows: Nature, Creative, Sacred, and Soul. You befriend yourself in this deeply nourishing and cathartic inner space, which naturally excavates new learnings, increases awareness about being in the world, and clears the way for a new beginning.

If you allow your intuition to guide you through emotions, you’ll learn to trust that a feeling is temporary, and will be replaced by another one. You empower yourself, while strengthening your intuitive muscle and building resiliency. Indigo Flow teaches you how to turn your sadness into connection, meaning, and gratitude, leading you to a whole new path in your life.

It takes courage to turn away from the mainstream, go within, and explore deeper parts of yourself. But when you do, you’ll start to realize that you are connected to a larger intelligence and begin to awaken the true power within you.

We rarely change course unless compelled to do so by something outside of ourselves, so there’s no better time to do this work than when you’re unsettled and in transition. And learning a new way of being and doing is one of the big lessons in this life journey.

Grief is an opportunity and invitation to explore what’s inside and how you can grow from it. You can learn to use what’s happened to you for growth.

Meet Heidi Gessner

Heidi Gessner, MDiv, BCC, is an ordained United Church of Christ minister, author of Pockets of Grace: Lessons from Darkness, Lessons from Light, and grief coach, who’s developed a special way to approach loss.

Through her signature system, Indigo Flow: Path to A New Beginning, Heidi invites you into an internal “indigo” space to awaken your inner-sight, or intuition. This allows you to connect with a deeper part of yourself, where you’ll tend to your inner life. Here you’ll mindfully process your grief through 4 Flows: Nature, Creative, Sacred, and Soul. These nourishing and cathartic flows awaken new learnings, which clear the way for a new path to emerge.

As a former end-of-life hospital chaplain, Heidi spent nearly 20 years supporting people on their grief journeys. Let Heidi’s expertise help you harness the transformational power hidden in grief.

Where are you in your grief process?

Schedule Your Path to a New Beginning Call with Heidi

Looking for support on
your grief journey?

Private Coaching

I’ve developed a system for helping people get clarity around life changes. I’ll take you on a journey to re-discover yourself. When you’re able to get clear on where you are in your life, your values and intentions, you uncover a pathway forward.

Indigo Flow Circle

Have you felt like your world stopped, while everyone else kept going? Through education and self-exploration, you’ll learn supportive strategies that can help you cope with difficult times, and lead to new beginnings!

Private Coaching

I’ve developed a system for helping people get clarity around life changes. I’ll take you on a journey to re-discover yourself. When you’re able to get clear on where you are in your life, your values and intentions, you uncover a pathway forward.

Indigo Flow Circle

Have you felt like your world stopped, while everyone else kept going? Through education and self-exploration, you’ll learn supportive strategies that can help you cope with difficult times, and lead to new beginnings!

Heidi is kind, experienced, and very knowledgeable.

I learned so much in the grief group and it helped normalize my multitude of feelings. Also, her book, Pockets of Grace, helped me so much in coping with my grief. A very enjoyable read. ~ Pat

Indigo Flow gives you tools and strategies to process your grief and discover new things about yourself, while planning the future.

Together, we’ll define and cultivate the wisdom you’ve gained from your experience, your increased compassion, and what you’re going to do with your renewed energy.